#4 Over The Astrodome

Shelly was the D.R. (Designated Roadie) for this weekend's sessions. Since doing this for over a year we've learned that we must have all the equipment up and running and ready to record before we get stoned. Hence the D.R. concept, which includes running errands and general servitude. Actually it was Shelly's idea way back when, this is just the first time she got stuck with the task (we use a politically charged straw/vote system). Everyone toked up and we checked out some new stuff, including a disc Kenny brought along with samples of the History Channel, which was the basis for the soundtrack to a German existential student art film we did (#8 - Soundtrack To A German Existential Student Art Film). Recorded live.


1000 Islands (Two) (1:23)
Tommy Reese's DTs (Relapse) (11:42) 

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#3 Galerienmusik

There was a light turnout for this session so we started messing around with ambient stuff and came up with this. There's more of it, too. But, you know how ambient stuff gets after a while. Anyway, it definitely fit the mood, which was herbacized and pizzafied exactly at the right temperature. We were going to call this Nautically Astounded, but nobody wrote it down so we forgot about it. We've been piping a low volume tape of this into Shelly's room every night for the last week while she's REMing @ 4am and she keeps wanting to hear it during the day. We're conducting more experiments. We ended up renaming this and giving it to The Cadence Art Gallery. One of the guys there said it weirds people out. We're trying to talk them into opening a "Projexts Room" so we could do some live recordings with those wood floors and high ceilings. Recorded live.


Galerienmusik Pt. 1 (9:04)
Fukhausen (Excerpt) (2:22)
Galerienmusik Pt. 2 (14:22)
BONUS TRACK: STOLLE & MEMBER vs. WLFC In The Gallery (9:38)

About The Bonus Track...
Our pals Stolle & Member have "collaborated" with us! They used "Galerienmusik Pt. 2" as a bed and overdubbed some of their madness to create "In The Gallery," a meeting of minds that have never actually met. Get it here, and at S&M's emptyblaukraut blog, where you can check out all the cool stuff they do for free.

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#2 Vunderball Musik

One of the guys brought over George Harrison's Wonderwall Music, which we all got stoned to immediately. Highly recommended activity. Then we proceeded to hook up every gadget we had, even a turntable and the sampler, to record this... Vunderball Musik. Shelly keeps singing "L.A.Woman" after the 3 minute mark in "(Hand Me That) Revolutionary Coat," but she won't record it. Unfortunately, we don't have any prizes for those who can spot that track's source. Once we've got stuff to put on it, we'll edit this into some sorta shape.


Vunderball Musik (5:08)
(Hand Me That) Revolutionary Coat (5:50) 

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#1 08.14

This one was a party. A lot of different players showed up and we did a lot of recording. There were a bunch of styles bouncing around that day (and night and day), so more stuff will probably get posted from this session. We did some revising and took out two tracks to re-release a bit later. Just a way to shorten up the download time, tighten up the links and focus more on lengthy stoner jam singles and EPs instead of "albums." As for the cover, we think it's Shelly's brothers, but we're not sure. Recorded live.


"Do You Have Any Insight On That" (0:15)
Wetton Research (8:58)
Cone Of Uncertainty (3:02)
Heroine Sheik (5:28)

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