#100 Steal This Download

For our 100th release, we're doing something over at Bandcamp that we've done every day at this blog.... we're giving away our latest to anyone interested. But, not just 320s (links are below). You can also head over to Bandcamp (click the Lossless link, below) and get this re-sequenced, 23-track, 3-hour, 20-minute compilation of head-scratching psychedelia (and... some unreleased stuff, too) in ANY file format you want, FLAC, AIFF, WAV, etc. At least until the freebies run out. Our blog pals know the drill. But, here's our sales pitch on Bandcamp, in case you're interested in free Lossless files.


You heard right... DON'T pay for this! We wanted to do something/anything for the folks that have helped us reach our 100th release (that's some of you, by the way), and since we've got a couple thousand free credits we don't know what to do with, we're giving away #100 to anyone even remotely interested. It's a 3-hour and 20-minute comp of previously released material, including 2 bonus tracks (originally available only at mike-floyd's Homemade-Lofi-Psych blog) AND... the unreleased (and generally unlistenable) 8th entry in our soundseries series... soundseight - the nearly 24-minute “cannabinol” (artwork included). We hope you enjoy this re-sequenced collection, designed to say mucho grande gracias… and not designed to promote our entire back catalog on Bandcamp. Although... not-so-coincidently - our back catalog just now happens to be for sale (@80% off). We learned that in Marketing 101.

Important: To steal Steal This Download at Bandcamp, there's a "name your price" option. But all you need to do is just input "$0" and it's yours. We did this so you don't even have to cough up your email address for a freebie. After all, Abbie Hoffman never demanded your email address, so why should we? 

We've re-sequenced and re-edited all of this (and even re-mixed a few things), and since most tracks fade into the next, it's going to make for some clunky listening on the Bandcamp players. Better to just grab it for yourself and listen at home. Thanks... a hundred times.

320s are below, high class file formats are at Bandcamp.

Here's what you get for nothing... 


1. Seasonal Care & Feeding Of Tony Conrad's Surviving Cats (14:33)

2. Swimming With Sharks (5:06)

3. Caterwaul (5:20)

4. Blood Queen Of Sun Ra (8:21)

5. "Is This Phase 2...?" (Moon Mix) (11:04)

6. The Original King Heroin (8:06)

7. Message From Fornax (Pre-JMST Instrumental) (14:01)

8. Wind Of The Hawk (4:20)

9. 67 (4:23)

10. Stanley's Sun Ra Conga Line Experience (7:09)

11. Checkers (5:41)

12. Live In The Theatre Of DisBelief, Episode II (26:18)

13. Him Tome (4:28)

14. The 10:50 That Followed (10:47)

15. Soundtrack To A German Existential Student Art Film, Pt. 2 (4:40)

16. Venusian Caravan Mirage (3:08)

17. Reptilian Manner (3:24)

18. Ruptured Disk (Take One) (2:40)

19. The Monolith Monsters (aka Monster Magnet Remix) (8:19)

20. Pantscrappers (10:09)


21. A Pregnant Tight Rope Walker In Santa Ana (Bonus) (3:58)

22. 'Set The Controls...' (middle section/mike-floyd edit) (Bonus) (9:44)

AND THE UNRELEASED soundseight...

23. soundseight - cannabinol (23:58)

NOTE: Individual track details are in each file's lyrics window. For the unreleased soundseight/"cannabinol," we've included front & back CD-sized graphics.

Get our .pdf, "The Complete WLFC," with text, graphics and info (from this blog) on every one of our 100+ releases. HERE!


  1. I Stole it. I Ran with it. Check out m'blog, see whatcha think.

  2. ØH! NØ
    Wow, thanks a million, NØ! You've turned into our most consistent booster and we can't thank you enough. It doesn't say much about your mental well being, but that's your problem... and we just don't want to get involved with whether or not you're keeping up with your meds. As a blog owner, you know how appreciated even the simplest comments are, which is why your work on our behalf is so great! Thanks once again.

    1. Ah, yuse guys are a buncha goofs. My dementia is totally stable & now that ya blabbed about my drug useage, well overt means obvious. As far as selling the locals a bit a snake oyl, that's what I do. You musta seen the stuff I share around here & call good music, As far as legal actions agin me or blogger bullshit, well, I got frenz in high & low places. I'm near untouchable. Don't worry about no straightjacket...I'm strictly a cargo shorts & T-shirt kinda guy. I didn't even notice if it took you slackers a while to reply. I figured you were just overt yerselves. I'm a glutton for all things, so punishment is just another on the list. I'll be back for more. I got all there is so far, might as well keep up a losing streak. You kids keep doing what ya do, some of us think it's just neat poteat.

    2. You're the best, NØ. Thanks, as always, for spreading the word. https://nathannothinsez.blogspot.com/2024/08/centeneray-wlfc.html
