#53 I Wanna Be Your Man 45

Most people aren’t aware that Lennon & McCartney's "I Wanna Be Your Man" is actually a re-write of an old blues tune of the same name. “Blind somebody” recorded it in the early 1950s, and collectors know of a few records out there that have survived. A sure clue that it's not a Lennon/McCartney original is illustrated by how seriously John & Paul treated the song. For a larf, they pawned it off on The Rolling Stones (theories abound that it was a blatant attempt to derail their career). But, Lennon & McCartney ended up laughing even louder at the bank when the Stones accidentally had their first hit single with it. Then... they gave the song to Ringo to sing - a sure sign of something, to be sure. But because copyright laws were so loose in the 1960s, "I Wanna Be Your Man" has long been considered just another old, co-opted blues tune that got ‘borrowed’ and goosed-up by a band of upper-poppin' punks with a Merseyside beat. Hey, they were kids, what did they know? So, we stripped the song back to its original Mississippi blues roots, then gave it to David Barratt, from The Beatles Compete On Ukulele, who edited it and added some blues uke. The first version is our original mono master, and the flip is Dave's edited & dubbed version. This is why we don't do vocals. Consider yourself warned.


A - I Wanna Be Your Man (Mono Master) (3:04)
B - I Wanna Be Your Man (Edited/Dubbed By David Barratt) (2:43)

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  1. Elvensung7810:07 AM

    I´ve waited for so long for your new download.
    You`re so fantastic!!!
    And the vocals...superb.
    Keep on truckin´
    WLFC got he blues so bad! Wow !!!

  2. Thanks. But are you on the right blog?

  3. Elvensung7810:30 AM

    Ummmm.. is this here the Howlin Wolf Blog ?
    OK,sorry, I know its the on the tv now.
    But you people can surprise me everytime
    with the music your making.My wish would be a "WLFCasplayed byBoney.Miftheywere stoned" album.Pleeease do it!

  4. Thanks again. Boney M. stoned? That's a novel idea.

  5. Anonymous2:11 PM

    THX a bunch, Latists, Sirs! I've been following your progress for some time via T-Fuzzy, having been especially impressed by the forays into KrautrockKosmos-49 and THEM!-50. Keep up the good work and never stop your highly appreciated, very fair policy of sharing / making your music a gift. Best, The Chairman

  6. Anonymous3:37 PM

    You claim that "I Wanna Be Your Man" is a rewrite, yet you can't even name the alleged original performer. "Blind somebody"? I'd like to hear this original recording, but can't seem to find anything by "Blind Somebody."

    Your history is a bit off as well. Lennon & McCartney wrote the song (or finished writing it, depending upon whose memory you believe more) right in front of the Stones and immediately gave it to them. The Stones recorded it first, then they let Ringo record it to give him a track on their second album.

  7. It's easy to spot a newbie around here.

  8. Anonymous9:31 PM

    outstanding...you guys give a franxious world dope
