#68 The Tim Leary Seance Experience

This was actually our 5th seance. The first, an attempt to contact Screaming Jay Hawkins, resulted in massive property damage and some outstanding fines and liens that have yet to be satisfied. Our next attempt had better results, and was released as #30 The Jim Morrison Seance Tapes. After that, we tried to communicate with Captain Beefheart, but that didn’t pan out, and we found out the hard way that our seance with Courtney Love was... uh, premature. Of course, we’re confident that our spiritual guide, Madame Jodi, really does make contact with the people we’re paying her to find... and she’s not just downloading old voice tapes from the internet and passing them off as new spiritual connections. But we noticed she does always demand payment up front. Just like our Jim Morrison seance release, we’re also offering an instrumental version of the proceedings, minus the good Doctor, just in case you're one of those who aren’t buying into the whole seance premise in the first place. Frankly, we can't blame you.


The Tim Leary Seance Experience (Comet Watchers) (22.50)
The Tim Leary Seance Experience (Instrumental) (22.50)

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#67 VGER

Reconstructed through highly advanced technologies as a vast space-faring artificial organism, VGER was augmented with a three-dimensional data collection and storing apparatus magnitudes beyond anything previously known to Federation science. Likewise providing it with effectively immeasurable defensive and sensory capabilities, the inhabitants of the machine planet gave VGER the ability to fulfill its programming in a far more complete fashion than the scientists who originally built and launched the vessel at its core ever imagined. Recorded live and made up on the spot. As if you couldn't tell.


Tuning (0:27)
VGER Love Theme / VGER (10:38)
VGER VEGR (11:54)

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#66 Jazz From Outer Space, Vol. 2

So it is written, that in this, the year of our Lord, we reconvened to celebrate the 4 year anniversary of "The Premiere And Final Performance Of Jazz From Outer Space" (#35), a ten minute shock to the nervous system that should have ended the possibility of any future encores. Well, this Jazz From Outer Space music has nothing to do with the first Jazz From Outer Space. We just thought we'd toss another "series," or marketable brand, up against the wall and see if it sticks. You never know, one of Johnny Depp's or Tom Hanks' daughters might tweet "those Jazz From Outer Space guys are cool," and we'll become internet sensations, able to call our own shots at the next Comic-Con... or maybe, some Westinghouse Appliance Trade Show Convention gig.


Audacious (9:11)
The Original King Heroin (8:06)
I Know (6:15)

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#65 The Insect Year

Wouldn't it be something if - for all our talk about aliens, other worlds and UFOs, etc. - we had already been invaded by beings from other planets. But they were only able to multiply enough to shift the balance of our eco-system, not take over mankind. I mean... look at the guy on the cover. He's clearly a together kinda guy, an intelligent creature, who also carries an elaborate set of built-in tools to help him analyze and survive the hostile world around him. He looks like he might even be a Commander of something. What we're putting forth is the proposition that we are already living amongst alien beings, just as shrewd and just as talented, that are ruling entire parts of the planet - whether inches under the ground, deep beneath the sea or floating in the air. One day they'll take over... that's sort of what the title track is all about. Kneel before your future leaders.


The Insect Year (Full Blown) (6:07)
Fake Skim One (3:06)
The Insect Year (Thawed) (6:26)

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#64 The Year Of The Snake

We were going to call it The Year Of The Cat. But, when the news hit the trade magazines, we got a call from Al Stewart's management threatening us with a "whazoo-sized lawsuit." Our mouthpieces talked to their mouthpieces, but nothing substantial was coming from the all night meetings, which were growing strained as the February 10th release date neared. That's when Al Stewart himself walked in, dressed in white and wearing a little too much makeup. He said he was suspicious of his lawyers' outrageous bills and decided to "drop in and see how my money's being spent." After listening to the pros and cons of the legal predicament for a few minutes, Stewart stood up and said he didn't care one way or the other about the title, but that we should keep in mind that on Feb 10th, after the new moon enters Aquarius, the Chinese Zodiac was ushering in the Year of the Snake, and we should probably consider that title instead. "The monkey is the only animal that really knows how to handle the snake," he said... cryptically. So, we followed Al's advice.


The Snake (11:52)

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#63 I'm Gonna Die... Today

Bullying can affect you in many ways. You may lose sleep or feel sick. You may want to skip school. You may even be thinking about suicide. If you are feeling hopeless or helpless or know someone that is, please call the LIFELINE at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or, coming soon, simply dial '988'.

I'm Gonna Die... Today (7:15)

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#62 Moon My Peers

We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold. I remember saying something like "I feel a bit light headed, maybe you should drive...." And suddenly there was a terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooping and screeching and diving around the car, and a voice was screaming: "Holy Jesus! What are these goddamn animals?" We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls. Not that we needed all this for the trip, but once you get locked in a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can. The only thing that worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. And I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon. - HST


Dog Killer (Evening Run) (4:24)
Moon My Peers (Composite Sketch) (8:50)
Dog Killer (4:44)

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#61 Frankenstein Tree

From that fateful day when stinking bits of slime first crawled from the sea and shouted to the cold stars, "I am man," our greatest dread has always been the knowledge of our mortality. But tonight, we shall hurl the gauntlet of science into the frightful face of death itself. Tonight, we shall ascend into the heavens. We shall mock the earthquake. We shall command the thunders, and penetrate into the very womb of impervious nature herself. For what we are about to see next, we must enter quietly into the realm of genius. Alive! It's alive! It's ALIVE!


Frankenstein Tree (Who Shall Separate) (7:52)
Dennie's Kegger (Remix) (7:34)

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#60 John Carpenter's Blue Hawaii

We've never mentioned this before, as you'll soon learn why, but Rudy insists he can travel to the future via thought transmissions. Sort of like an out-of-body experience, but out-of-mind. Anyway, on one of Rudy's recent trips (side note: he does extraordinarily well on NFL betting sites), he told us he went to see a John Carpenter movie (in 2030) called Blue Hawaii. He clued us into the plot and we concocted this live soundtrack in the hopes of sufficiently freaking out John Carpenter - once he gets around to film pre-production and does a web search. Then he'll have to consider the idea of our soundtracking the film as some kind of pre-ordained fate. Some divine intervention. Which will eat away at him like a burrowing creature from one of his movies, gnawing at his brain like a persistent unanswerable question. Either that or he'll just chuckle and let loose the hounds. Second in a series. Recorded live.


Venusian Caravan Mirage (3:09)
Theme To John Carpenter's Blue Hawaii (8:02)
Theme To John Carpenter's Blue Hawaii (Reprise): Titling Rights (4:57)

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#59 Gravitas

"Episode In Argyle, Parts I & II" is, as the title suggests, two back-to-back takes. You'll hear the end of the first take at the 5:22 mark, when we break out The Art Chord. The Art Chord is our musical "uncle." When played, it means any given player is spent, has given up, has nothing more to offer, is bowing out, etc. So, after The Art Chord was signaled we just started bashing around, you know, before wrapping everything up and, inadvertently, we started a new take. Happens all the time, actually. The Art Chord reappears at the very end of the track, and also signals the conclusion of the nearly 17-minute title track, "Gravitas #68 -3," chiming in at 16:36, just prior to going black. It's just a little two note sliding blues thing. We left them in the mixes this time just to draw attention to the gravity of the situation. Recorded live in 33 minutes.


Episode In Argyle, Parts I & II (10:11)
Outside The Opium Den (Oscar Coverage) (5:34)
Gravitas #68 -3 (16:46)

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